مقالات داغ – کتابداری و علم اطلاعات -آوریل ۲۰۱۷

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مقالات داغ – کتابداری و علم اطلاعات -آوریل ۲۰۱۷

لیست ده مقاله ی برتر حوزه ی کتابداری و علم اطلاعات -آوریل ۲۰۱۷- بر اساس اعلام exlibrisgroup


In each subject area, the bX Hot Articles service displays a list of the 10 articles that researchers selected the most times in recent weeks. If you select All Subjects, you see the top 10 articles overall. The service is based on selections made by millions of researchers from thousands of academic institutions around the world and is updated once a month.
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Adams, Nancy E Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive learning objectives Journal of the Medical Library Association; 2015; vol 103; iss 3
Shenton, Andrew K Strategies for ensuring trustworthiness in qualitative research projects. Education for information; 2004; vol 22; iss 2
King, Jennifer How to Write an Annotated Bibliography Access; 2010; vol 24; iss 4
Moore, Cherrie L A Study of Social Media and its Influence on Teen Information Seeking Behaviors. The Serials Librarian; 2016; vol 71; iss 2
Elmborg, James Critical Information Literacy: Implications for Instructional Practice The Journal of Academic Librarianship; 2006; vol 32; iss 2
Wilson, Virginia Research Methods: Interviews Evidence Based Library and Information Practice; 2012; vol 7; iss 2
Saunders, Laura Academic Libraries’ Strategic Plans: Top Trends and Under-Recognized Areas Journal of academic librarianship; 2015; vol 41; iss 3
Kreitz, Patricia Best Practices for Managing Organizational Diversity. Journal of academic librarianship.; 2008; vol 34; iss 2
Kim, Kyung-Sun Use and Evaluation of Information From Social Media in the Academic Context: Analysis of Gap Between Students and Librarians Journal of academic librarianship; 2016; vol 42; iss 1
Barnes, Susan B A privacy paradox: Social networking in the United States First Monday; 2006; vol 11; iss 9


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