
JEDEC JEP106AB : Standard Manufacturer’s Identification Code

سازمان: JEDEC - Solid State Technology Association

سال: 2010

زبان: English

قیمت: 95000 تومان

Array افزودن به سبد خرید

The manufacturer's identification code is defined by one or more eight (8) bit fields, each consisting of seven (7) data bits plus one (1) odd parity bit. The manufacturer's identification code as shown in Table 1, is assigned, maintained and updated by the JEDEC office. It is a single field, limiting the possible number of vendors to 126. To expand the maximum number of identification codes, a continuation scheme has been defined. The code 7F, as shown in Table 1, indicates that the manufacturer's code is beyond the limit of this field and the next sequential manufacturer's identification field is used. Multiple continuation fields are permitted and when used, shall comprise of the identification code.Intended Use: The intent of this identification code is that it may be used whenever a digital field is required, e.g., hardware, software, documentation, etc.